
Free Business Masterclasses

Enjoy our FREE Masterclasses

Get ahead of the game with our selection of FREE Masterclasses specially cultivated for busy mums in business. We have included a few of our favourites here for you to enjoy. 

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5 Ways to Increase Your Profit Easily

The profit machine

Business is easy, it is a simple equation.
Learn 5 EASY ways to make more money is your business.

Elevate your brand

Stop letting your brand cap your income.
It is time to uplevel your brand and your income today!

How to win an award

Increase your credibility by entering and winning prestigious award to tell the world that you are the leader in your field

Leveraging your nomination

Being nominated for an award is a reason to tell the world and it gives you huge PR and networking opportunities. Don't miss your opportunity

Create a Viral Content Masterclass with Candice Erickson

Viral Content Creation

In this session Candice is going to teach us how to easily create content that is appealing to the viewer and typically goes viral. Candice brings a unique blend of psychology, media, and business experience, having crafted compelling marketing strategies for some of Australia's most prominent brands.

Claim back your time

Let us teach you how to claim back your time so that you can spend more time working on your business or doing the things you love!
You will thank us for it!

Transform your sales

Take your business to the next level by refining your sales process so it works on auto pilot freeing you up to work on the things you love most in your business.